Course Syllabus

Intro to HTML

3rd Trimester

Spring 2014


Instructor Information

Brian Rueckert: Upper School CIT

Primary contact: Canvas inbox

Secondary contact:


Course Description

This course is designed to give students a background in hypertext markup language (HTML). Students will learn proper syntax for HTML and how to apply it to basic website construction. By the end of the course, a student will be able to create a basic webpage that includes formatted text, images, links, and tables, as well a linked style sheet. This course is taken entirely online.



Basic knowledge of Windows operating systems, file structure, file formats, and extensions.


Outcomes and Standards

ISTE NETS-S standards can be found HERE 


Learning Goal/Outcome

Standard ISTE NETS-S

Students will demonstrate knowledge of HTML in the authoring of an original webpage.

1a, 1b, 3b, 4b, 4c, 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d

Students will conduct peer reviews of webpages and work collaboratively with classmates on web design projects.

2a, 2b, 2d

Students will show an understanding of copyright and the ethical use of digital media.

3b, 3c, 5a, 5b

Students will employ sound graphic design principles in creating and evaluating webpage layouts

1a, 1b, 4c, 4d

Students will demonstrate proficiency in the syntax and application of CSS and how it affects the formatting of a webpage

1a, 4b, 6a, 6b


Course Materials

Since this course is entirely online, students will need to have access to a computer. We recommend the student-issued Lenovo tablet as it already has the necessary software installed.

Textbook: There will be no textbook for this course. Course content and readings will be provided through Canvas.


Course Activities and Schedule

Each week, the student will be required to participate in discussions as well as submit a webpage demonstrating knowledge of the weekly topic; the expectations for each week’s submission will be explained in each weekly module). Depending on the week, additional assignments may be due such as readings and peer reviews. Course schedule is as follows:



Weekly Topics


(discussion every week)

Week 1 Feb 24

Introduction, tags, elements, editors, and browsers.

1.1 Your first webpage

Week 2 Mar. 3

Headings, paragraphs, attributes

2.1 Webpage text

Week 3 Mar. 10

Formatting, lists, final project

3.1 Bullets, bold, and beautiful formatting

3.2 Project proposal

Week 4 Mar. 31

Links, Copyright, group design intro

4.1 href is your friend

Week 5 Apr. 7

Images, Creative Commons,

5.1 Out-src-ing your webpage

5.2 Copyright research

Week 6 Apr. 14

Tables, proximity principles

6.1 Table: Layout v1.0

6.2 Proximity peer review

6.3 Group designed webpage due

Week 7 Apr. 21

CSS, alignment principles

7.1 CSS: Formatting with Style part 1

7.2 Alignment peer review

Week 8 Apr. 28

CSS (cont), repetition principles, colors

8.1 CSS: Formatting with Style part 2

8.2 Repetition peer review

Week 9 May. 5

Div element, contrast principles

9.1 Div: Layout v2.0

9.2 Contrast peer review

Week 10 May. 12


10.1 FORMative assessment

Week 11 May. 19

iframe, embedded elements

11.1 iFrame has nothing to do with your phone

Week 12 May. 26

Wrap up, project work time

Final Project


Final Project

The capstone project of the course will involve a great deal of thought and preparation. Students are required to create a website that utilizes the concepts discussed throughout the term. The content of the site is up to the student, but could be anything the student is passionate about (subject to approval of the instructor). The website must include the following elements:

  • A homepage linked to at least three other pages

  • A linked style sheet that incorporates at least three style elements

  • A body with a layout using either tables or div elements

  • Level 1, 2, and 3 headings

  • One example each of the following: bold, italics, underline

  • Properly formatted images

  • At least three external links

  • An embedded element

  • A clear demonstration of graphic design principles discussed during the course

  • A separate write up explaining the thought process behind creating the site, the location of each of the required elements, and the image sources


Course and Grading Policies

Assignments are due by 11:59 pm on Saturday of the week it is assigned unless otherwise noted. The instructor reserves the right to deduct 10% for late work; and an additional 10% for each week in excess of the first.

The breakdown of a student’s final grade is as follows:

  • Final project 30% (180 points)

  • Weekly Assignments 50% (300 points)

  • Discussion topics 20% (120 points)

Grades will be awarded as follows:

  • A - 90-100

  • B - 80-89

  • C - 70-79

  • D - 60-69

  • F - below 60


Please note: Students are expected to post responses to discussion questions by Thursday at 11:59 pm of the week they are assigned. In order to get full credit, a student must provide at least one comment on a peer’s discussion post by Saturday at 11:59 pm of the same week. Comments must be thoughtful and provide constructive feedback. The instructor has the right to award zero credit if a comment does not meet this requirement based on their assessment.


Students are expected to do their own work. If the instructor suspects academic dishonesty, the student will be reported to their class dean and honor council. Consequences may follow depending on the severity of the infraction.


Disclaimer: This syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due